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Bungalows in Ifaty

Your stay at Ifaty Tuléar


Your stay will be Relaxing & Revitalizing at Bamboo Club Ifaty

Feet in the blue of the Indian Ocean, to the melody of the lagoon’s waves, or in the shade of palm trees, coconut palms and exotic pines. Whether you’re alone or accompanied, you’ll sleep under a mosquito net, in the heart of a veritable tropical garden.

A real treat for botany enthusiasts  !

You can choose between a Vezo bungalow, a traditional wooden dwelling, or a Vato bungalow, a more modern stone dwelling.

Every bungalow has 24-hour electricity!

Electricity is available 24H/24 in each bungalow !

The Bamboo Club Bungalows in Ifaty

Bungalows vato

Bungalows vezo

Family bungalows

The Bamboo Club is here to serve you, to make your stay unforgettable

hôtel bamboo club Ifaty